BKxKB Brings Baltimore Together

Partners gather in Baltimore for BKxKB distribution

On Friday, October 11, 2024, SixDegrees.org activated its Building Kits project in support of four organizations across Baltimore to distribute essential hygiene items to individuals experiencing homelessness and periods of unstable housing. Volunteers gathered to help load a series of trucks to distribute goods to Health Care for the Homeless, ShareBaby, Helping Up Mission, and Catholic Charities of Baltimore. The organizations shared that their allocations of these resources, 1,250 kits each, will be distributed within six weeks to their respective clients.

“Helping Up Mission’s Mobile Street Outreach team encounters some of the most vulnerable and desperate of our ‘neighbors’ when we visit the encampments of the unhoused,” said Peter Griffin, director of outreach and intake at Helping Up Mission. “We strive to provide practical help and plant seeds of Hope when we provide toiletries, hygiene products, and other basic necessities. Within days of the Baltimore distribution event, we were getting the resource kits, socks, and Kevin’s encouraging note into many hands! Our team members could see how those served were made to feel seen and valued. It meant so much that they were not forgotten. We’re grateful for this partnership with SixDegrees.org and other community partners - the distribution came right as our inventory was nearly zero. Thank YOU!”

SixDegrees.org thanks Bombas, Dr. Bronner’s, and Clear Scientific for their generous contributions to this activation.


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