One Degree Less Programs

  • SixDegrees.Org directly acquires and distributes essential resources to those who need them the most. Our resource kits include things like personal hygiene items, socks, shelf stable goods, a signature hand writen notecard and more!

    Through this impactful program, SixDegrees provides hundreds of thousands of dollars of resources to local network partners while amplifying their stories and elevating their important work.

    You can also buy a variety of apparel items created by SixDegrees.Org and amplify our work just by rocking mission driven swag.

    Check out our Footloose40 campaign to keep up with our progress to distribute 40,000 kits this year!

  • utilizes its unique expertise to create compelling storytelling content that cuts through the noise to capture attention and inspire action.

  • curates convener campaigns to unite various catalysts, maximizing their collective impact. partners with Brands, Businesses and Foundations to make a greater collective impact, nationwide. We are exceptionally proud of and grateful to our network partners that are key to our programs success.

We engage and elevate brands with deep commitments to their communities AND we work with organizations to enhance their CSR and ESG goals.

Our Brand Partners